FL: Police officers continue to avoid sex offender registry

Source: wtsp.com 1/28/25

Four different charges were dropped against Markanthony ____, meaning he won’t have to register as a sex offender.

A former officer with the Bartow Police Department accused of sexually exploiting teen girls has been sentenced to one year in prison, but will not have to register as a sex offender, according to court documents.

Markanthony  pleaded guilty to four counts of giving alcohol to someone under the age of 21, child abuse and unlawful use of a two-way communication device. However, documents revealed that the following charges against the former officer were dropped:

  • Contributing to the delinquency of a minor
  • Promoting a sexual performance of a child
  • Use of a child in a sexual performance
  • False Imprisonment

With these charges dropped, court officials confirmed Fernandez won’t have to register as a sex offender.

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No surprising. Cops also get special dispensation for firearms when they’re convicted of domestic abuse. Normally, something like this would remove your right to bear arms, but the excuse is “they need a gun for their job”. So a guy stealing a bike gets a felony and can’t own a gun, but a cop beating on his family gets to keep theirs specifically because of the badge. The system is one-sided trash.

I’m glad to see that my post to general has become a topic. Isn’t it funny how a police officer that gets caught, can avoid the registry, in the worst state of all! Even sheriff Grady judd showed his picture in a YouTube news article!!! Police have to protect their own!!!


The hypocrisy of FLORIDUH legal system knows no bounds.

Last edited 1 month ago by Way too long

Why am I reading no disparaging comments from the good sheriff himself about this individual? If it was a non-fellow law enforcement officer, he’d be full of disparaging comments that he’d be spewing out on the video.

This officer is a real piece of work with the baiting and providing these minors, who knew what they were doing of course, with all this stuff, which puts him on par with those professionals in the education system who do the same thing whether they be a principal or a teacher. He obviously thought he was above the law by being a part of the law enforcement establishment. Good thing he will be forever associated with the registry which is kept online about those law enforcement officers who have been dismissed for their misconduct from their positions.

Maybe we all should print this article and flood the Florida governor’s mailbox with it to ask him what is he going to do about this and setting an example for the rest of the public? Could he do that and get away with it without being trashed in the end? Would he be disparaged himself for trying to let the public know about this? Where is Ron Book when you need them? How about his daughter?

In a normal world he would also be up on federal charges for producing and distributing CSAM. But in the climate we have been in for the past decade or so. Federal law enforcement enforcement seems very disinterested in investigating itself or any state LEO.

Does anyone have time to look up emails for the city and police officials? I don’t see room for comments or an email for the reporter on this article either. I am working on the Chicago400 campaign today but would love to have all of us send polite follow ups on this, including to FLA state senators and reps who actively scream the P word and want labels on driver licenses and plates and all the rest.

Doesn’t matter what is done, only matters who you are… and how useful that makes you. The only real crime is becoming more trouble than you’re worth! Then you have to go…. however….

Here’s my conspiracy theory:

Cops can do whatever they want so long as:
1: They also do what their employers want
2: They don’t get caught

This cop got caught, so he had to go… however… they want cops to do whatever they want… because it is the criminal behaviors cops get up to that makes sure their employers keep them doing what they want?

“Do what I say, or everyone finds out about…”

Also, crooked cops produce results, because they don’t let the rules get in the way! So, best to have all the cops be crooked, so they can produce great results! Only problem is, sometimes the cops get busted… so…

When a cop gets busted, give them a light sentence, so you don’t scare the other cops out of becoming result producing crooked cops! 😁

Then there is former Representative Gaetz…

I attempted an offense against a fake person and will be on the registry for 20 years so the person doing worse action than I getting no time on the registry really irks me.

Don’t have rule of law for things like this if you are not going to apply them evenly. Simple as that.

“The sheriff’s office said Fernandez sent a video to his fellow officers, showing him directing one of the minors to perform a sexual act on one of the 18-year-olds in February at his home in Lake Wales.”

WTF! His fellow officers must be a bunch of degenerates. Fernandez felt confident he could trust them not to spill the beans on him making a minor to do perverted stuff on an adult. If he felt they would overlook that, just think what else them losers in that precinct had overlooked–planting evidence, torture, racial profiling, taking bribes….you name it.

Last edited 1 month ago by Doc Martin

I’m disgusted by how our so-called Justice System works in reality. It is not two-tiered – it is multi-tiered: one for the rest of us and then special treatment for the rich, connected, famous, police officers, etc. And yet, I can’t help but imagine that it is exactly the same everywhere, in every country, all over the world. 😮‍💨

It’s remarkable to me the judges and prosecutors do not clearly recognize that this only adds to people’s distrust and often hatred of the police when people know full well that the police will always get special treatment and be excused of their crimes, regardless of how vile.
So even decent police officers are tainted by these gross injustices.
Police officers themselves should advocate for criminal cops to be punished just as any other citizen would be.

Last edited 1 month ago by David⚜️

Bartow, Fl is in Polk County. Was this officer on Elmer Fudd ( oops shady Grady) I mean Grady Judd’s Wheel of Mugshots during his ” pressers” ?

everyone anserwing and writing opinion is great but when you are up against florida coruption, you are one of them you are protected ask mat gates former d*ck w*dd, and maro logo

Unfortunately the laws do not apply to everyone the same.